The nation’s worst corporate polluters should face fines that put a “major dent” in their bottom lines and have their bosses jailed, the Environment Agency has said.
Author: waterynews
Unlimited fines for environmental polluters, Government confirms
Environmental regulators will be able to charge polluters unlimited penalties for causing damage, the Government has confirmed.
Example Safety Data Sheet: Concrete Wash water
The example Safety Data Sheet was prepared by Llewellyn (Safety Advisors) on behalf of Mudtech. Although Untreated Concrete Wash water is not a Mudtech Product, Mudtech are of the view that the preparation of the a safety data sheet for concrete wash water on the basis that it is a product would assist Mudtech clients in understanding the health and safety hazards associated with highly alkaline concrete wash water.
Concrete Wash Water Hazardous* or Non-Hazardous, what is the appropriate EWC Code.
It is the responsibility of the waste producer to correctly describe the waste materials which he wants to dispose of. This description should include:
Mine waste and rivers: The legacy toxins re-entering our waterways
At the peak of its activities in the 18th century, Cwmystwyth Mine in Ceredigion, Wales, was one of the largest silver, lead and zinc mines in the country. It has been closed for decades, but its polluting legacy is far from over.
Significant fine for water company following hazardous chemical leak
Severn Trent Water has been fined £350,000 for polluting the River Amber in an incident that left tens of thousands of fish dead.
Invaluable Bivalves; How clams help keep Polish water clean
The molluscs are remarkably good at detecting pollution
Southern Water punished over ‘shocking’ wastewater spills
Southern Water has been hit with a record £126m punishment for spills of wastewater into the environment from its sewage plants and for deliberately misreporting its performance.
Hackers try to poison Florida town by changing chemical levels at water treatment plant
Sodium hydroxide is used to treat the acidity levels in water supplies, but is also used in things like soaps and drain cleaners.
Waterborne Viruses Effectively Removed by Zapping Untreated Water
Using sophisticated microscopy and computational analysis, Texas A&M University researchers have now validated the merit of a water purification technology that uses electricity to remove and inactivate an assortment of waterborne viruses.